Sunday, February 27, 2011

The "sideline" hold

The OT taught Meredith a new feeding position and Preston is doing MUCH better when he is eating. She taught her the "sideline" position which allows him to relax. Preston, keep up the good work...we are ready for you to come home!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pretty good job today!

So much pressure...

Meredith and I went to the hospital a little before noon to get ready for his feeding. When we arrived, Grandpa and Kim were there visiting. The sweet little fellow was enjoying their company. Right around 12:03 Meredith began feeding Preston. A little after 12:30 she stopped and she would tell you was not the best feeding they have had. During those 30 minutes there were MANY ups and downs.

Preston has been in the NICU for ALMOST 2 months...this has been a VERY LONG 2 months but please continue to pray and remember the entire Bishop Family.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday's update

Preston has been on room air since 9:45am and he is doing good. He drank 31ccs out of 38ccs from a bottle. Only changes...the doctor has requested them increase his feedings to 40ccs with a chest xray Monday morning and some lab work.

He's doing good...yay!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sort of like a roller coaster...

Well since Tuesday, Preston has had his ups and his downs.

On Tuesday the doctor said that Preston could have chronic lung disease which would cause him to have to go home with oxygen. This is not a great possibility, but it is a possibility. If he did have to have oxygen at home, it would eventually be weaned.

Back in Room 3...and loving it! The Room 3 nurses talk to Meredith and Ken and put their mind at ease about everything going on with Preston.

Thursday morning...Ken spoke with the nurse practitioner and his chest xray shows that his lungs are clearer than they were yesterday. This means the diuretics are helping clear the excess fluid. They are about to perform an xray to see if the hole in his heart is getting smaller.

Thursday afternoon...Meredith breastfed Preston for the first time, he latched on and did great!

Friday morning...his heart echo has stayed the same. It hasn't opened up anymore but it hasn't closed yet either. His lungs are clearer and he is eating good.

Friday afternoon...Preston latched on but he just wasn't interested. He then took 33ccs from a bottle and 5ccs down the gtube. The nurses and doctors are hovering but that's a good thing...Meredith and Ken WANT TO KNOW whats going on every minute of every day!
Dr. Bonner also spoke with Meredith again today and Preston's lungs look much clearer. They are now thinking he needed the oxygen all along because of mild aspiration and acid reflux. He latched on again at noon but he just wasn't interested so Meredith gave him a bottle and he drank all but 5ccs. (FYI...Preston has to work much harder sucking while breastfeeding than he does bottle of course he is going to prefer the easier route) Rice will be added to his feedings and they will prop him up higher in the bassinet.

Turns out voicing their concerns and requesting Room 3 has really made the hospital staff step up to the plate and look into Preston's situation.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back to room 3...thank goodness!

Turns out Meredith and Ken have not been happy with the nursing staff in room 4 so as of 7pm tonight Preston will be moving back to room 3...yippee! The nurses in room 4 just don't do as good a job taking care of sweet Preston as the nurses in room 3. This move will help Meredith and Ken relax a little these last couple of weeks.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Preston is now in a bassinet instead of an isolate...Yay! He is also drinking 3 bottles a day. One at noon, 9pm, and 3am. His nasal passage was drying out a little so they have added water to his oxygen mixture to help moisten things up.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Doctors orders...

Doctors orders for today are to increase his breastmilk every feeding. He is currently drinking 38cc's. He will also start drinking up to 3 bottles a day. The doctor wants to decrease his oxygen slowly and wean him out of the isolette. This is turning out to be a great week for Preston after all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Getting a little frustrated...

Today Preston drank his entire bottle of breastmilk and he did this without any trouble, however he is still on oxygen. Although it is only 30% and room air has 21%, the fact is, he still has to have it. Sometimes it can be a little discouraging and Meredith is ready for more progress. She has to admit, today was better than yesterday and yesterday was better than Sunday but its still hard not having sweet Preston at home.
Meredith is continuously working on Preston's room so it will be ready when he gets to come home. This is a hard road but one they must travel so please continue to keep the Bishop family in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Shhh...Preston's sleeping

Thirsty little fellow!

Preston drank the whole bottle today during his 3pm feeding. This is an AWESOME achievement. We are crossing our fingers he will be on his way home in about 3 weeks. Cross your fingers too!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Evening update!

They have to give Preston blood because his red blood cell count is low and if his red blood cell count were higher his oxygen rate would be better. This is not bad news because most preemies have to be given blood and they are actually surprised that they have not had to do this sooner.

Got some answers

Meredith went to Dr. Newman yesterday for her 6 week check-up and she decided to take the opportunity to ask why this might have happened. Dr. Newman said he has thought about it a whole lot and that he wishes he would have put Meredith on bed rest but that he doesn't think it would have avoided Preston's early arrival. He also said that according to Dr. Ashurst her placenta was full of clots indicating a detached placenta and that the bleeding was coming from the placenta, not the cervix. Dr. Newman continues to call the hospital to check up on Preston and that from what they have told him he has a feeling Preston will be able to come home the end of February or the beginning of March.

As for Preston, he drank half of the bottle and did much better...almost as good as he did the first day! Keep growing mighty Preston!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We can all use a little extra air!

Last night they had to put the nasal canula back in Preston because he was having a little trouble breathing. This creates a continuous flow of room air into his lungs and we can all use a little extra air! We can thank God that Preston is doing so well and this is only a minor set back. Please continue to kep Meredith, Ken, Pierce, and Preston in your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Preston's FIRST Bottle!

Preston drank breast milk from his FIRST bottle today. The OT came today at 3pm to feed him and once she got him started she handed him over to Meredith :) Preston caught on like a pro. She even said he did better than most babies. He is currently eating 32cc. His bottle feedings will increase when he is able to drink an entire bottle in 30 minutes. The OT will continue feeding Preston at 3pm so Meredith plans to step in and take over for all of these feedings.